What is FormTimeIdeas.com all about?
To provide form tutors with an engaging and simple to use selection of activities to use during tutor time.
Refresh the page for a brand new set of randomly selected activities. Alternatively get specific new ideas using the buttons provided.
Who created the site?

FormTimeIdeas.com was designed and developed by Jonathan Hall, a secondary school maths teacher in Leeds, England.
Can I submit ideas for the site?
Yes please! Get in touch via Twitter @StudyMaths and I will see what I can do.
Where do you get the news headlines from?
The latest news headlines are provided by the BBC news RSS feeds.
Where did you find all the facts/jokes/quotes etc?
I collected the various facts and figures from a wide range of sources including newspapers, books, the Internet, and friends.
What about the numeracy section?
All the maths questions are generated randomly. It is very unlikely that the same question will appear twice!